martes, 24 de diciembre de 2019


While the action figures serires from Diamond Select was a mixed bag to the point they even had to remake some of theyr own figures, the one best one thing was how they produce not only action figures of the Monsters, but they also did retro clothed figures, mini-mates and banks. While i didnt liked too much the mini-mates line (too much details they are not even cute) and i dont have interest on the retro cloth dolls in Mego style (i dont have a Mego collection to mix them) i was surelly interested on the banks that acted as bust at the same time.

The very first one i got was the Bride of Frankenstein and she is really big and heavy, as tall as the action figures themselves, but since she is portrayed from her chest up, this make her looks masive and pops out. She can stand perfectly, tough one of her hands is pointing down soo is better to place her near a ledge on the shelve or else this hand will prevent her to rest completelly flat. Also her other arm is pointing in front, wich makes find her a rest spot a little troublesome.

This is the Bride in front of Dr. Frankenstein, heading towards him with a lost expresion. The sculpt is really good, specially on the bandages on her arms, pretty deep cut lines and the wrinkles on her dress flows perfectly. The hair is also really good looking and her face is pretty tough she is not exactly Elsa Lanchester, from the side angles she looks perfect, tough in the front is pretty obvious she is not Elsa.

Then again, she is much better looking than theyr action figure version, soo its pretty obvious they didnt get the Elsa Lanchester rigth to use her looks but this is good enough, Tough some details are very rough, like her eyes lashes that are not sculpted and just painted. One can say this kind of details dosnt matter in an action figure, but considering her face is soo huge, the lacks of details stands out a lot.

Same for the paint, its pretty clean and have different grey washes on her dress and bandafes and the white strikes on her hair looks pretty natural, but the details on her face are a little to clean i say, she looks a a doll, specially on the scar on her neck, pretty unnatural. The lack of detais may bee seen as something bad, but in fact she is really good looking at a normal distance and looks fantastic on the shelve. If one ignore the slit on her back and plastic material she could be considered an scullpture.

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