sábado, 22 de agosto de 2020



Last century was very different for Street Fighter, not only it was super popular but it didnt had the flood of merchadise we have for it. Now we got multiple companys mass producing Street Fighter figures; Storm, Figuarts, Prime1, Funk, Play Arts Kai, NECA....but back in the 90s there was only one company producing them: ReSaurus.

They were huge and cool and totally based on Capcoms 2D art wich makes them stad out from other figures (like Toy Biz). I got Ryu of course but i also got the only female of the first series of figures: Cammy.

Just like Ryu, Cammy is more like a statue than an action figure and she is even less articulated than Ryu: only her head, shoulders and legs can move but this lack of articulation means her body dosnt looks robotic or in sections, ReSaurus were more concerned about aesthetic than playability.

She can stand on her own perfectly, but still she comes with the same base the rest have: a big coin with the Street Fighter logo. The metal texture and golden paint along side the grafity logo felt very 90s....and also, like most Cammy figure, she is designed to give her back to the viewer or at least she does it in most promotional photos.

The scult is good, the pose is really simple but extremelly powerfull and her bent arm and hair adds some drama to the display. The musculature is pretty good looking and have a super hero comic style. She have more paint than Ryu tough since her swimsuit, camo, boots, gauntlets and face are all painted and her braids have some golden shadows to make them looks more natural too.

The paint is clean and they didnt forgot any detail since even the scar on her check is there. The eyes are huge, kinda anime looking but not soo much at the same time and for some reason the eyes are focused to different directions but is not that easy to notice, specially when she is on profile

This is the 2P version tough, with soft blue swimsuit and camo since the original version 1P is painted on green. That was rpetty cool from ReSaurus, to add a secondary color scheme for figure but not give them a crazy and akward color palette, just make a discrete variant.

Over the years theres lots of new Cammy figures soo i guess this one looks really outdated by now but is such a classic since this is the very first plastic version of such iconic character.

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