viernes, 11 de junio de 2021


Even if i am not a big fan of Nendroids, this was no brainer for me. Just by watching the prototype of Nathan Drake´s Nendroid i was sure i was going to get him. I really wanted him to play with Chris Nendroid.

Uncharted has been one of my most favorite games (even if i still dont play the fourth one) and soo far i been able to buy all action figures of the series - except that crazy expensive Sideshows statue - and i am really glad they continue to release merchadise of it even if its been a year since the last game.

Nate is tiny, really tiny. The same size of other Nendroids and in there is born my frustration: my big sausage fingers really strugle with this guy. Taking this pictures was a huge challengue for me actually, since put his gun on his hand is really tricky. But even if functionality is debatable, this guy is undenayable cute and cool at the same time.

He can stand on his own perfectly (something great considering his huge head and tiny feet) but still he comes with the elegant and usefull base with the mechanical arm that Good Smile Com always gives. His articulations works really good and allows all kind of poseability (with the design restriction of the small legs) soo he is a lot of fun.

He is probablly my favorite Nendroid given how easy to the eye and simplistic is his design. He dosnt have all those belts, puches, wires and incrediblle details the Snakes and Raiden have, soo not only he is more colorfull than them, but hes much more resistant and easy to move too.

The buttons on his shirt, the way his collar falls down from one side, his watch (the damn little thing is perfectly painted and sculpted!!!!!), the level of detail in this dude is really astonishing and in perfect match with adult Nate. You can even remove the pistol from his holster under his arm…and this pistol is cut in half!! This is only for the moments when Drake have his gun on his hand, soo his holster is empty instead of having “two guns”.

The paint is clean and vibrant, and his eye brows have small little hairs painted on them. I am soo glad they give each of this Nendroids theyr own face soo they dont share the same face features (even if its not that evident at first), like his eyes, they are totally different than Snake´s eyes.

He is really handsome for such a cartoony design and he comes with a second face with a lusty look. With some scars and a mischevious grin showing his fangs (BOTH sculpted and painted) and one of his eye brows down, i find this extra face to be more sexy than anything and is my favorite deffinetly.

Aside of his basic gun (and the cut in half fake gun on his holster) he also comes with a riffle. While the Snake´s and Raiden have black riffles, this one comes with brown tones and is basically the weapon they always gives him on all action figures.

He also comes with a little golden coin with nothing sculpted on it but that is obviouslly the engine of his adventure on the last game. I find this item to be the most interesting one that is soo unique to this figure (even if it dosnt have sculpt).

And he also comes with a hook and a rope, tough the rope is just hard plastic… soo its only to be posed hanging from something. This means if he dosnt have something to make the “hanging illusion” he looks really strange, like if hes fliying with an invisible balloon. This item is soo bizarre but once you find a way to pose him he looks really spectacular.

The little rope with hook on the side of his pants can be removed as well but i just forgot about it when i took the pics.

I really love this guy in the end, and he looks like he cames from another dimension when he is side by side with adult Nthan Drake. I am starting to feel a little adicted to this guys.

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