domingo, 9 de julio de 2023


 Aside or producing many different serires of action figures based on the Muppet,s the Pink Panther or The House of the Dead, Plisades Marketing also produced statues. I am not sure how many statues released tough i know about five based on Resident Evil: Claire Redfield, William G-2, Jill Valentine, Nemesis and a Nemesis bust tough 3 of this statues were pretty rare and now they are imposible to find.

I do got the pair of Resident Evil 3: Jill Valentine and Nemesis. And honestly, Jill was very dissapointing, she had a very bland pose and sculpt and a poor paint and material quality, specially compared with the fantastic and smaller action figures Plisades release along this statues. Tough good news is, Nemesis is the ying of the yang of Jill, the opposite on every aspect.

Sculpted by Taniguchi Junichi and measuring the amazing heigth of 16 inch, this Nemesis is one of the biggest figures i got on my collection, even taller than a Sideshow or Hot Toys figure, he towers over anything and it makes him stand out no matter where he is displayed.

He can stand better than Jill but only because they give him a small base: a little rock like thingy with a hole for his boot. The rock thingy is made with...well, stone!! Soo is pretty heavy and manages to keep this guy standing as long as his gravity center is in the rigth place. A pretty simple method, but it works.

And is not easy to make this guy stand thanks to the pose, he is literally runing and turning around at the same time, around a corner i guess, and ready to grav Jill by the head. While Jill is on a totally static pose, Nemesis is really dynamic and full of movement and momentum.

The wolfs on his outfit are also moving along side him and they have different textures from each other while his pant and top part have a leather texture. While it looks like prue blackness here, theres a lot of paint work as well since his pants and boots are extremelly dirty with greens and browns like hes been runing in the trash and the rest of his body have some greys and blues ti give it volume, but all this color is pretty discrete and only visible at close inspection.

The head sculpt is great, much more alive than Jill and pretty close to the original Nemesis design but the paint, this time, helps a lot thr sculpt as well. Both the texture and the paint on the skin are fantastic and are filled with greens and browns that gives it a pretty "secaying corpse" look. The eye paint could be better but the open wounds, gums and yellow teeths are looking really good.

The parasite tentacles coming in and out from his flesh (the actial Nemesis parasite) have a really gruesome look, like raw flesh, but also a withe web, some kind of fat tissue mixed with a wet look that looks really disgusting and realistic.

This statue is made of the same cheap vinyl as Jill soo that makes him kind of delicate and the glue ussed to join the pieces dosnt work no moresoo he requieres some curation every few years, but even with that this guy is much much better than Jill deffinetly.

Also, over the years i seen lots and lots of bootleg version of this figure, in smaller scale but i never seen this original Palisades copy soo i got the feeling this guy may have a high price by now, specially with Jill included, that dosnt looks that bad with Nemesis displayed close. 

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