viernes, 2 de octubre de 2020


 Five years ago, when Mattel owned the Thundercats license, they released a single serires of figures with an extra special figure exclusive to theyr collectors club. That figure was Mumm-Ra and i remember how much i wanted him but how fast his price sky rocketed. Because cartoons from the 80s not only did amazing and likeable heros, but they did fantastic and memorable villians as well and Mumm-Ra was always my favorite since he was a true monster.

And now, 35 years later, Mumm-Ra is still one of the most evil and twisted chaarcters to ever appeare on any animation and in an amazing twiwt of events, Super 7 relaunched him on theyr Ultimate Thundercats line with many enhancements and a beautifull box with artwork.

One thing modern figures have (mostly) is scale and here is no exeption since Mumm-Ra is much smaller than Lion-O and much more lighter as well. He can stand on his own (and thats a surprise given how thin are his limbs) and is articulated on the neck, waist, shoulders, elbows, wrists, legs, knes and ankles. All articulations are really sturdy and solid tough unlike Lion-O, this guy have ball jointed articulations. This mean his limbs can bend and rotate with total freedom and he dosnt have the ugly bolts Lion-O have.

The sculpt is.....glorious....really both the sculpt and paint in this figure complement each other perfectly. Each bandage on his body is totally independant to each other and have a soft grey wash to make them looks old and dated and the color contrast pretty nicelly with the soft blue of this monster. The sculpt of the face is, just like Lion-O, 100% accurate to the Ted Wolf 2D design to the last bit, from his non-human smile to his big creppy red eyes.

Also theres a lot of bandages here....obviouslly, but theres also independent extra bandages wrapped around his torso and arms soo theres a lot of hanging bandages here and there wich looks terrific, and since this bandages are made with soft plastic, they dont get in the way of articulations at all!!! Is weird how Mumm-Ra have more movility than Lion-O (tough theres not much sense on moving his legs). The hunched position and how he always have his legs open makes him feel really fragile. Is amazing how such delicate being is one of the most evil and dangerous from the serires.

His accesoryes consist in a pair of extra hands to hold objects. Only one pair unlike his rival and the change system works good tough i am really afraid to brike the peg on his hands or his arms given how thin they are. He also comes with an extra screaming head. The open mouth is really menacing and i am surprised the original Mattel release didnt include this.

Change the heads is kind of tricky tough since both heads have bandages hangig from the sides. The bandages are made with soft plastic and are really neccesary but they get in the way of the cape. Really, exchange head with the hood of his cape is really really tricky and demands extreme care to not brike his neck ball joint.

His other accesoryes are his staff and the sword of Plun-Darr. I dont remember see Mumm-Ra with a staff on the serires but the old LJN figure actually ahd this staff soo it is more like a easter egg for those who collected the original toys. The stass is totally back with the skull of an animal on top, with red eyes, fangs and horns and while it wasnt on screen never, it loosks really awesome on Mumm-Ra´s hand. The sword of Plun-Darr is the closed version soo it looks more like an amulet with two double head snakes tangled made of gold.

Super 7 also added an extra copy of the Book of Omen from Lion-O, i dont know why. Is the same sculpt but in dark brown color instead of gold. They also added a Thundranium Urn and the Rosenkrantz Medallion. The Medallion is very simple looking tough it can fit on Mumm-Ra´s neck perfectly and the paint is really good, with the dark blue jewel and the Z in the center. The Urn tough have a fantastic sculpt and color and is the most detailed accesory on the set.

Finally we gor Mumm-Ra´s cape and hood, made with soft crimson plastic. The sculpt is really good and even help Mumm-Ra to balance, the flow of the cape is perfect and the hood cover his head perfectly, unlike the original release that had the hood always moving upwaord over his head. The cape cover half of the mummy´s body soo he have only one single arm free.

And the second cape...Mattel did a totally open cape for fullposibility but Super 7 went beyond and removed this version and created a real fabric cape with wire all around it. The color of the fabric is a little bit stronger than the plastic cape but looks really makes the change of ehad much more easy sicne the hood can be put down and the wire help a lot to open the cape and pose it in really dynamic ways. You want Mumm-Ra totally covered? It cna be done. You want him with the cape fliying over his back? It can be done too and without even losing his balance.

As much as i try really hard to find an issue here...i cant, i really cant find any flaw in this figure since it pretty much fixes my issues with Lion-O (dull accesoryes, imited articulations, ugly abs joint) and made me be glad i didnt spent money on the Matterl version since this was a huge upgrade thanks to the fabric cape.

This Super7 figures are really expensive, yet soo far they have been worth the price thanks to the perfect sculpt and color, the accesoryes and the beautifull presentation with the double box. The ast figure of the serires one was Jackalman but i didnt find too interesting at all, specially after this Mumm-Ra tough the next series will be brand new unreleased before characters and i will pick my favorite for sure.

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