martes, 27 de octubre de 2020


 Just in time for the season, NECA released The Creep, from last year serries Creepshow, based on the classic movie from the 80s. This guy was supposed to come out at the begining of the year but it was delayed until now - just like me watching the serires since i am about to see it a year after its release.

The Creep is extremelly similar to the Crypt Keeper from Tales from the Crypt, tough The Creep is older, wich kinds of make him the father of the Crypt Keeper, tough sadly, this monster is mute and while it work as a kind of guide to lead us to the horror storys on the Creepshow comic, he dosnt talk much at all soo he is mostly a mistery.

This figure is the standar size of NECA action figures soo he match perfectly with most horro themed figures (McFarlane included) and he can stand on his own perfectly despite his small feet. He is articulated on the head, chest, shoulders, elbows, wrists, legs, knes and ankles and is EXTREMELLY light....almost like a feather.

The articulations works really good and his costume dosnt block them, tough the shoulders articulations are pretty limited thanks to the rib cage sculpt and other bony sections, his arms cant move up too much tough given the nature of the character i dont see too much trouble in there, this is a moving corpse, he dosnt need a super dynamic pose just like Mumm-Ra: he must be fearsome in a discrete pose.

The sculpt is really good, with his nose smashed and his skin full of holes, the complete lack of lips and big eyes coming from the rotten sockets, his sntire body have this same feel of "skin over bones with missing pieces of flesh" style and for those who wonder....yes, he is completelly sculpted uner his clothes, sculpted in every FEARSOME DETAIL to the point you can display him on the nude and he is actually...well...extremelly skiny and thin, he can be used on a morgue display as a corpse of even a mummy.

The paint job is really good as well, the skin is sick green with darker greens on the missing flesh sections, is evident he is rotting. The wrinkles on his skin makes it looks like the skin is dry and his face have the same effect. The grey teeth and yellow eye are perfectly painted tough i feel like the yellow on his syes dosnt stand out too much.

He have doll white hair wich gives him a very ghostly look. Sometimes the messy hair gets in the way of the face but overall it elps a lot to give him realism. Also his costume is made with real cloth, yellowish and stained cloth with holes and tear sections. Its looks like rags and suits him very well tough i have the feeling the color must be darker...i find this shroud too white.

Since he is soo thin the costume dosnt get in the way of  his articulations and also the hood have a wired frame tough is kind of difficutl to hide his face enough since the hood is too big (also, it kinda looks like a pijama....). There is also a pair of yellow ribbons coming from the hood and thats it, quiet simplistic.

His accesoryes are: a pretty nicelly sculpted skull (the bone structure unde rit is amazing and the paint on the empty sockets too), a Creepshow cimc book (wich is only a printed page), an extra hand that can be exhcnaged very easy and a lamp. The lamp have a very nice art decod design and i really wish they put a led on it soo it can lit, feels like a missing oportunity.

Not many accesorys but very high quality ones, just the rigth amount of stuff to display with him and overall, very high quality figure as well, i love how impecable is NECA rigth now and better yet - how they release such unique characters instead of Avengers. Now i need to find out if the serires can live up to this figure but i will leave the marathon to Halloween.

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