sábado, 13 de noviembre de 2021


 Unifive was a japanese toy company from the 90s that develope a lot of strange and unusual toys, mistery surround it since we didnt see too much about it outside of Japana before it was swallow by Banpresto, but the most popular serires of figures from them was the Devilman "Detial Fgures", a serires of small size statues with some really impresive sculpting and painting as well as glow in the dark variants.

They released both version of Devilman and a Siren, but the other character that was incrediblly popular back then and had a lot of figures (desite not appear in Devilman) was Devilman Lady, she was everywere back then (no surprise since her anime was on air). She share the same size with Siren tough unlike the demon bird, Lady is not in a scaling pose and is missing wings, soo she is the smallest figure of the collection.

She share the same base tough as the rest, a square red simple base with a silver sticker with her name. Her pose....i am not sure if it comes from one of Go Nagai illustrations, i feelt like i seen it before but i cant point out from wath image it is but looks pretty classic for the character. The body proportions with huge boobs and the super cute face with fangs is also the brand of Go Nagai.

The sculpt is good, with most of the detailing being in the furry parts on her anatomy and the paint is good too, while keep at minimum. Her skin tone is a little more dark than Siren and they did a great job on her face, painting her red eyes and fangs perfesctly in such smal scale.

Overall she is a good little statue, tough she is my least favorite of the group, maybe a pair of big wings would change my mind but she still match the rest of the collection perfectly.

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