miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2021


I usually dont like small figures, my big hands have a lot of troubles playing with them and the fact i need a magnifiying glass to look at the details fill me with anxiety but some are real fun and dosnt sacrifice the details for the scale. Most Gashapon looks kinda bad or plain but sometimes they go against that rule and the Go Nagai no Sekai serires is one of them.

Released 20 years ago by Furuta, this serires focused on a lot of artists to celebrate they work and the Go Nagai serires focused on his antire roster of characters. The box says they are 8 figures + many secret figures, since they came in blind box the procces of collecting them was really exciting, you could get a Cutey Honey or an Enma-kun or Mazinger soo getting the Devilman was quiet a challengue.

The very first figure that is on the actual cover of the box is Devilman on his anime look, green with red wings on a pretty heroic and stoic pose.This figures have no articulations soo he looks like a tiny statue and not only the sculpt is superb, but the paint is completelly flawless, the colors are strong and vibrant and perfectly applied, specially on his face and red eyes. I mean, he comes with a very simple base with the Devilman and Furuta logos, but even the floor texture on its is really masterfully painted and looks like stone.

The second figure is Miki Makimura, straigth directly from the manga pages, she looks perfectly faithfull to Go Nagai´s art style, from the cartoony face to the curvy body and provocative expression. I love her slippers and the carpet and wodden floor in the base, is evident she is on the Makimura´s house and the best part is Ghelmer hand coming out from the floor, just moments before graving her. The way the arm have bthe same color of the floor in the base and how that color changes dradually to a blue and greens is really beautifull.

The third figure is Akira Fudo, walking directly to the viewer, with one foot on the top of the base. Juts like Miki is is like a Go Nagai art on 3D, from his slim body tone to his face expression and eyes, tough unlike Miki, he is the most simplistic figure of the collection, just dressed in black. The base have a stone texture, with some wrird bones and rocks, is pretty difficult to find out were he is.

Then we got an Akira in middle transformation in Devilman. From the waist down is the same figure, but the waits up his black clothes are exploding and his face looks already more Devilman than Akira. Again, this figure is really simplistic but i love how good it works with the human Akira figure, put them together and you pretty much have him transforming while he walks.

The last figure is Devilman fully transformed and is the tallest of the collection since he have his wings spread and is levitatin on top of an spiral of smoke or clowds, with the help of a small metal rod. The image is really spectacular, despite the small scale and again, the sculpt follows Go Nagai art style perfectly.

This figures proof that scale dosnt matter, you can make something spectacular and good looking even in small size, i love how daithfull this is to Go Nagai´s original vision and how each figure trys to be a small diorama on its own and even conect with others like Akira´s transformation. It makes me wish i had collected the rest of the serires since each figure represent each character in a superv way.

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