lunes, 26 de junio de 2023



At the begining of this century we got small scale Resident Evil figures based on the first two games thanks to Toy Biz and then we had huge high end japanese figures of the third game thanks to Moby Dick Toys but Plisades Marketing was responsible to gives us Resident Evil figures in a standar scale to fit with the rest of the figures in thr market, and based on CODE: Veronica with a mix of some other RE games.

Each series had a human character, two small monsters packed together and two bosses creatures individually and series 2 started with Claire Redfield on her CODE: Veronica outfit for the human part, and the small enemys coming together were a Zombie Cop and a Licker, this time from Resident Evil 2 (to pair them up with Leon Kennedy from series 1 i guess).

The Zombie Cop is in the same scale McFarlane figures and NECA had back then and is articulated on the neck, shoulders, biceps, elbows, waist, legs, knes and ankles. This time around the neck, shoulders and ankles are ball jointed, soo they have a much better movility than the Zombie Soldier from series 1, tough the ball ankles makes him a little difficult to stand at times.

No worrys there since he comes with a base, but overall while the articulations aren´t that complex, they let him some more room of movement and poseability than the series 1 figures, specially on the head since tilt his head adds a lot dor the display since this guy is based on an specific character render from the game.

The sculpt is really good!! It matches the character render artwork pretty closelly tough it still beats the kind of comic book feel this figures have. The dead expression, rigor mortis shaped hands and all the wrinkles on his uniform looks really good. The paint this time around i also much better than in series two soo he have pretty strong and vibrant blues on his uniform while his skin tone is completelly white and dosnt mix with his uniform.

The withe skin have also a lot of grey washes to make him look dirty....dirty, not much dead, the paint still make shim looks like a toy, but given he is a corpse i guess thats not bad. The face have the same extremelly dirty grey washes but still, his white eyes and teeth are completelly clean and thats shows how carefull was Plisades with paint this time around.

The blood also stands out more given the blues and withes and the blood on the face leave a pretty strong impression I think this is the zombie we all remember from the Raccon Police department.

The Licker is a little bit smaller than a human being, soo while on his crouched possition he looks really tiny. He is preposed and have a ball joint on his neck and a cut joint on the shoulder and legs. Of course the shoulders and legs articulations are kinda usless becaus move them would prevent him from stand (tough to be fair, he is in all four soo he is really easy to stand) soo most of the posing comes from his head.

The scult is also really nice, with the muscle tissue opening and showing some bone structure as well as veins and other nasty stuff. The misshaped hands looks almost like that of an elephant from the back and the tongue, while not bendy, is made of soft plastic (and that makes it kinda delicate).

The paint tough is kinda....brown with some yellow tones. I cant stop thinking on a half made piece of meat here and while tehres splotch of blood and gore here and there, i was expecting him to be more red. The yellow brain is a nice touch as well as the tiny fangs and bloody inside on hos mouth, but i find the paint less spectacular than that of the Zombie Cop.

Interesting enough, there is an accesory here: a gun. Just like the Zombie Soldier, this guy comes with a beretta tough he cant hold it but instead is designed to go in the holster on his waist. Sadly i think i lose the weapon after 21 years but i am not very worryed about it....

There is also the base, with the same design as the rest, an oval wall of bricks with the logo of the game and this time around, it really helps to get this guy standing. This guy really shows how much Plisades was improving the quality with each series and also delivered one of the most iconic monster of the Resident Evil series. He even looks good on any horror themed collection.

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