martes, 4 de junio de 2019


The Deviman action figures line from Fewture was trully impresive back in the 90s. Ther were huge, super detailed and had 1/3 the price of a modern Figma or SH.Figuarts, designed by Yasushi Nirasawa, they ended as the perfect testament of both the late artists and Go Nagain awesome manga.

The second release of the first series was Amon, the demons fused with Akira Fudo. I am not sure if this was actually the very first visual design of Amon ever shown, but this guy comes out pretty close to the first volume of Amon Apocalypse of Devilman.

Nirasawa had much more fun with Amon than with Devilman, since this one almost his fully unique design.

He dosnt have the sexy “human” shape Devilman had, instead his body is contorted and twisted with a huge torso and looong amrs and legs and incomplete wings coming out from his back, with his arms being the most impresive part of him with those veini texture and incrediblly long figers with claws.

He looks a lot like the monster of Nosferatu with those menacing claws and hunched silhouette. He also hace piercing on his nipples and metaic clamps on his shulders, something pretty common on Nirasawa designs, a taste of torture and pain.

His face is specially amazing thanks to his grin, with long metal fangs that goes from ear to ear, he looks too much like a vampire, specially from a down point of view.

This is the first edition of Amon, soo he comes in a purple color with enough tones to dont make him dull, the paint application is pretty good and high light his muscles with soft tones and darker tones on his veins and details.

He is not pretty asriculated tough, just the same as the other toys from the 90s: cut neck, shoulders and elbows, soo theres not a whole lot of display options.

He´s only accesory is his base, a black piece of rock with black skulls around. Pretty simple but effective.

Tough, given the long and thin legs and the masive weight of his torso and arms, he cant stand on his own even with his big feet. He falls to the front constantly soo i use a couple of rubber pieces under his feet to keep him on balance and he stands perfectly, but he cant stand on his own outside of the base.

The perfect way to call this guy is “extreme Devilman”, he keeps all the basic design of Devil while distorting each element to make something trully monstruos and devilish, i even see something of the Xenomorph on his long tail and lean body.

Amon is not one of my main favorites either, but he can stands proudlly as a scary piece on an horror collection.

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