martes, 30 de julio de 2019


The Dynamic Action Figure series by Marmit was released back in the 80s-90s (??) and consisted n the full cast of Devilman perfectly traslated into 3D form by that time period standars. They are not easy to find now but my first figure of the series wasnt Akira or Miki, but the titular demon, Devilman and i remember how much of a fuzz i did back then when i get this guy.

He is probablly made with vynil and have the basic articulations from back then: neck, shoulder and legs, and can stand on his own perfectly and is much bigger than Akira and Miki, bigger than a Figma/S.H.Figuarts but still not a giant, just the rigth size Go Nagai gives him originally, wich talks alot about how concern was Marmit about scale on this line.

The sculpt is good, with the furry legs and the big bulging muscles, this Devilman is extremelly sexy and tempting since even his back have a perfect muscular anatomy. His head have a very serious expression tough...very human wich is weird given how inhuman Go Nagai alwasy drew him, instead this Devilman is specially pacific looking.

The paint is good, with a redish/orange tanned skin and grey dark legs and the details on his face are also pretty good and well defined, the red strips under his eyes, his green pupils and cute looking little fangs. Asadlly, the head was cast on black plastic, soo the skin painting looks darker than the body tone. And after 20 years, the color has been degrading and is getting darker and darker.

This difference between the head color and body is extremelly anoying but aside of that, overall, this guy is really plain. Probablly the most plan Devilman figure i ever seen and the only character from Marmit that dosnt looks drawn by Go Nagai. This is by far my least favorite character despite the yummy looking body but gladlly, all other character looks much much better.

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