jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2019


This one was the most expensive figure of the collection but when i saw her, i knew i had to get her and she was pretty worth they money spent. The Bride of Frankesntein stands out a lot in the old movies since she was the only female monster to have her own movie and the only good sequel of the Monster movies. She only appeare for a few minutes in the entire movie but Elsa Lanchester screen time was incrediblly memorable and hypnotic.

Sideshows did a great job again with her box, printin a big version of the original poster of the movie on the front, adding beautifull black and withe stills on the back and adding the entire cast and credits in the inside flap. I can have thecoldnes to store this boxes, i cant stop looking at them!

Like the other monsters, shes pretty big but, gladlly, shes still smaller to the Frankenstein monster!!! I am glad they did that since most companies do male and female figures the same size (like Hot Toys). Her articulations work wonderfully, with a ball jointed neck that have a lot of fredoom. She cant stand on her own thanks to her small feet but they give her a big base that works pretty good (unlike the Frankenstein monster useless stone base).

Now i was actually expecting to not have a body at all, or have a generic doll body under her dress, but with the high price, Sideshows was proffesional enough to do her un full detail. By saying this i mean, under her dress, shes totally covered on bandages!!! And this is not an outfit at all, those are totally separate and independent badages made of very high quality frabric, each one of them wrapping around her body perfectly. This not only looks great, but let her move with total fredoom. I dont want to think how much they take them to wrap every single of this figures with all those bandages…

Aside of the bandages she have her long long dress. And is pretty long and impressive to the poitn that reminds me a wedding dress. This is pretty much the most teatrical and awe inspiring outfit of all the monster figures.

Shes pretty low on the accesoryes department: She comes with her own heart, all bloody and detailed, coming from the chest of  amurdered woman (its pretty neat that the Monster comes with his bran and his bride comes with her heart) and a machine used by the Dr. Frankesntein to give electric impulses to the heart. Ass perfectlly done as this accesoryes are, they are not meant to be hold by the bride.

Now the sculp, and here is the tricky part. I had a hard time figuring out this sculpt; i wasnt sure if she was pretty or not or if shes Elsa Lanchester or not. Now i know, this is deffinetly Elsa Lanchester, but whoever did the sculpt (it wasnt Oluf W. Hartvigson) based his entire work on one single promotional picture of Elsa Lanchester looking directly at the front. This figure looks exactly like that photo, but when you look at hr from another angle, she dosnt looks too much like Elsa anymore. Herlips and jawline are too strong and almost looks manly.

Is pretty strange that this is the most human and simple character and yet they didnt do her as good as the rest of the monsters. She have all the scars shes supposed to have and her hair is pretty good looking, the withe strips on her hair are actually sculpted and the paint dosnt have any slops at all. I only wish her hair was more square looking at the end to make her look like Nefertiti.

Even if she dosnt looks 100% like Elsa Lanchester, the quality of this toy is pretty high and i was impressed by both the details on her dress and the impact of her design. Is pretty obvious shes the only woman of the group since she shines a lot between all the other monsters and screams for attention.

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