viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2019


By the series 5 of The Nightmare Before Chritmas action figures, NECA had already did some really iconic characters (like the Wolfman) as well as some trully imposible ones (the Bat Kid) and they scored really good with the series 5 with Pijama Jack, Undersea Gal and Behemoth but little we expect they also release one of the most imposible and grotesque and scary characters from the movie; the Clown.

Also one of the rarest, since this was the very last figure i get, he was pretty rare and expensive back then but it was worthy, this figure is really intense!! First of all he is huge, as tall as Sally and almost as big as Jack, wich makes him the tallest Halloween Town citizen tough he is completelly hollow soo he is light.

He is articulated on the neck, shoulders, elbows, legs and ankles and the propeller on hsi head can rotate. The articulations works really good tough he dosnt have a big amount of poses to his disposal given his shape and the fact he is on a unicycle!!

The shape of his body, the size on his hand, his fearfull face expression, everything is perfectly sculpted emulating the original puppet and the colors are intense and...well, very colorfull, with blues and reds, yellows and purples, he is pretty festive for such a dark and sinester looking character, they even give him toys on his belt!!

He is...well...on a unicyle, wich makes him an imposible toy design to achive, tough NECA had succes with him by placing a thick metalic rod inside the unicyle. This rod then is inserted on the thick black token like base and then thats it....quiet simple, but the Clown keeps his balance perfectly making him one of the best looking figures!!!

He has no accesorys tough, except for a horn he cant use or even hold, tough given his size it makes sense that such huge figure dosnt get any accesory. Tough giving him a few pumpkins or gift box would have been a good detail.

This is one of my favorite figures of the entire series, not only for the unicycle, but because of his blue and scary piranha smile, red nose and sick looking eyes. I seen the new Diamond Select version and it looks AWFULL compared with this amazing figure NECA did more than 10 years ago.

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